By: Roberto Pineda
Relaciones Gubernamentales
Comments: No hay comentarios.
This video was recorded in September 2024, an apology, but it had not been published on our Blog but on our social networks.
This is especially dedicated to companies that have projects with the Mexican Federal Government.
If you have a pending contract to sign or are about to comply with the terms of a contract, you have to hurry before the fiscal year ends for the Mexican government (November).
Signing the contract and proving its compliance will guarantee that you will be paid for the product or service provided, whether in the next few months or next year.
When we are a company and we finish providing a product or service, it is very important to have good communication with the public servant who receives the product or service through the deliverables.
You just have to keep in mind that what for us as a private company is a deliverable, for government officials a deliverable can be something very different even if it is established in a contract.
You must take into account that the public official will always be thinking about a possible audit, so communication with this official must be constant and must be verified so that both parties agree on what, how and when the deliverables will be. If you want to know more or want us to help you, contact us.
WhatsApp: (52) 5521064240
GovernmentAffairs MexicanGovernment
Cámara Española de Comercio en México
Club Catalán de Negocios
CCI France México Cámara de Comercio Italiana en México
Holland House Mexico Cámara Nórdica de Comercio en México
Belgian Mexican Business Chamber (BMBC)
CANCHAMMX Cámara de Comercio del Canadá en México
SwissCham México