Matías Romero 102. Col. Del Valle


18 Dic


In Claudia Sheinbaum’s Government 2024–2030
We have new players and a new game board.

Claudia Sheinbaum has not only appointed a new cabinet but also redesigned much of the public administration.
New ministries were created, some were renamed, and others were assigned new functions.

Three new ministries were established:
1. Ministry of Science, Humanities, Technology, and Innovation
2. Ministry of Women’s Affairs
3. Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency

Key Changes in Existing Ministries:
Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP):
The SHCP regains the authority to carry out consolidated purchases, which had been transferred to the Ministry of Public Administration over the past two years. It will also resume responsibility for market research and contracting processes.

Ministry of Public Security and Citizen Safety:
This ministry will now have expanded powers, including the authority to investigate crimes and issue directives on training and technology related to public security.

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT):
For the first time, this ministry has been expressly tasked with monitoring climate change.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER):
This ministry will focus on regulating the operation of agri-food markets, increasing productivity, and other responsibilities to be defined once the budget is approved.

New Ministry Functions:
Ministry of Science, Humanities, Technology, and Innovation:
This ministry will:
– Coordinate the participation of public, social, and private sectors in scientific research, technological development, and innovation projects.
– Propose to SHCP tax incentives, financial support, and subsidies to promote technological projects.
– Encourage technology transfer.

Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications, and Transport:
Its functions will now focus on:
– Public works of various types.
– Railway, air, maritime, and highway transportation.
– Note: The ministry has relinquished all matters related to telecommunications.

Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency:
This new agency will:
– Develop and lead telecommunications policies.
– Issue regulations for the procurement, leasing, and provision of telecommunications services, and provide technical assessments for their supply.
– A Note for the Technology Sector:
We have some bad news for companies selling software and technology to the federal government. Telecommunications in this reform have become a highly complex matter.

In a subsequent update, we will delve deeper into telecommunications reforms and the new Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency.

Want to know more? Have questions or comments?
Contact us:
📱 WhatsApp: +52 55 21 06 42 40

02 Oct

CADEP participó en el evento TECC NIGHT organizado por la Texas European Chamber of Comerce.

03 Jul
Tips for Selling to the Mexican Government part 4

In Mexico there are several websites to find out about public tenders that are launched and in many cases, these are the channel to participate in them. The best known is COMPRANET, where the public procurement processes of the federal government and some state governments are published and carried out, except for PEMEX and CFE. (state-owned oil and electric company)

There are state governments that have their own platforms with similar functions, but there are also platforms that only announce the bidding process but the process is carried out in person, such is the case of the Government of Mexico City.

At the end of this video we leave you the websites of some of these state platforms. Here is an important tip. If you want to participate in a bidding process or public purchase of a state or municipal government, before doing so, it is necessary to register as a supplier.

Usually the process is also online, it is fast and has some cost that is not high. What is true is that you will require several documents to register as a supplier, but we will see that in another video. If you want to know more, contact us.

WhatsApp: (52) 5521064240

ventasgobierno licitaciones GovernmentAffairs RelacionesGubernamentales PublicTenders GovernmentProcurement
GovernmentAffairs MexicanGovernment

24 Jun
Tips for selling to the Mexican Government part 3

Tips para venderle al gobierno mexicano parte 3

Como ya lo saben, venderle al gobierno es una tarea compleja que debe realizarse durante todo el año.

Pero los meses de mayo y junio son muy importantes, porque en los meses de julio y agosto los gobiernos estatales y municipales elaboran y presentan su propuesta de presupuesto para el próximo año.

Así que si te interesa que tomen en cuenta tú producto o servicio en las compras del próximo año, es necesario hacer llegar tus propuestas a los funcionarios públicos indicados.

Ahora ya lo sabes, si quieres saber más o tienes algún duda, contáctanos.

Tips for selling to the Mexican government part 3

As you already know, selling to the government is a complex task that must be done throughout the year.

But the months of May and June are very important, because in the months of July and August the state and municipal governments prepare their budget proposal for next year.

So if you are interested in having your product or service taken into consideration in next year’s purchases, it is necessary to present your proposals to the right public servants.

Now you know, if you want to know more or have any questions, please contact us.

WhatsApp: (52) 5521064240


ventasgobierno licitaciones GovernmentAffairs RelacionesGubernamentales PublicTenders GovernmentProcurement
GovernmentAffairs MexicanGovernment


20 May

Hace unos días CADEP tuvo la fortuna de atestiguar la firma de convenios de colaboración entre la Generalitat de Catalunya, representada por la consejera de Acción Exterior y Unión Europea Meritxell Serret Aleu y varios gobiernos estatales mexicanos en materia de educación, cultura, medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenible.

Estos convenios son herramientas muy valiosas para los gobiernos supranacionales e instituciones educativas, pues mediante estos instrumentos jurídicos se intercambian experiencia exitosas y se desarrollan proyectos.

Le agradecemos la invitación a Lleïr Daban i Hurtós, Titular de la Delegación del Gobierno de Cataluña en México y Centroamérica y felicidades por el trabajo realizado.

Catalonia signs cooperation agreements with Mexican state governments

A few days ago CADEP was pleased to witness the signing of cooperation agreements between the Generalitat de Catalunya, represented by the Counselor of External Action and European Union Meritxell Serret Aleu, and several Mexican state governments in the fields of education, culture, environment and sustainable development.

These agreements are very valuable tools for supranational governments and educational institutions, because through these legal instruments successful practices are exchanged and projects are developed.

We thank Lleïr Daban i Hurtós, Head of the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia in Mexico and Central America for the invitation and congratulations for the work done.

01 Abr
Meeting with Undersecretary of Interior of the State of Mexico

CADEP had the opportunity to talk with David Orihuela Nava, Undersecretary of the General Secretariat of the Government of the State of Mexico. We talked about the challenges faced by the State and the possible solutions that the private sector can provide.

The State of Mexico is one of the 32 states in the country, with 12 million inhabitants and one of the most diversified economies in the country. It is part of the Mexico City metropolitan area and faces very complex challenges.

CADEP tuvo la oportunidad de conversar con David Orihuela Nava, Subsecretario de la Secretaría General de Gobierno del Estado de México. Conversamos sobre los desafíos que enfrenta el Estado y las posibles soluciones que puede brindar el sector privado.

El Estado de México es uno de los 32 estados del país, con 12 millones de habitantes y una de las economías más diversificadas del país. Es parte del área metropolitana de la Ciudad de México y enfrenta desafíos muy complejos.

#EstadodeMexico #Mexico #GovernmentAffairs #RelacionesGubernamentales #RelacionesInstitucionales

02 Ene
We introduce you to our client VIASAT / Les presentamos a nuestro cliente VIASAT

We introduce you to our client VIASAT, a satellite internet company that provides connectivity services in the most remote places in Mexico.

Founded in California USA, with 19 satellites in orbit, they have presence in 12 countries and offices in more than 60 countries.  It currently has more than 700 thousand customers around the world.

If you want to know more about Viasat’s connectivity solutions, please contact us.

Les presentamos a nuestro cliente VIASAT, empresa de internet satelital que brinda servicios de conectividad en los lugares más apartados de México.

Empresa fundada en California EE.UU., con 19 satélites en órbita tienen presencia en 12 países y oficinas en más de 60 países.  Actualmente cuenta con más de 700 mil clientes alrededor del mundo.

Si quieres conocer las soluciones que Viasat tienen en materia de conectividad, puedes contactarnos.

#internet #internetsatelital #políticadigital #telemedicina #educaciónadistancia #internetparatodos #gobiernodigital

19 Sep
CADEP en la Diada Nacional de Catalunya

Agradecemos a Lleïr Daban i Hurtós, Delegado del Gobierno de la Generalitat de Catalunya en México con prospección en Centroamérica y El Caribe por invitarnos al festejo de su Día Nacional. Desde CADEP colaboraremos en estrechar los lazos de negocios y culturales entre #Cataluña y #México.